Today, I ask us all the question: “What are we doing?”
Have you ever stopped to think about that question and truly ponder it and give a REAL and HONEST answer to it. This question popped into my head and I decided to write a little post about it.
What a great question. We are in the here and now. There are things we must be doing, especially if we call ourselves followers of the WAY. I want to encourage us to grow in our relationship with the WAY as we are on the path the leads to life. This path we are on is not easy. It is hard and difficult. It has challenges. It has bumps, crookedness, deep dark valleys, and also hilltops. When we are on the journey of faith in the WAY let us remember:
1) To fix our eyes on Jesus the WAY.
2) Read God’s Word and learn about the WAY.
3) Think on God’s Word as we are on the WAY.
4) Share God’s Word with others who are not on the WAY.
5) Share the message about the WAY, the good news that will cause great joy for all people.
6) Live out your faith in the WAY.
7) Love the WAY and Love your neighbor as yourself.
8) Wait with eager expectation for the WAY to return.
This is on my mind. How would you answer that question: What are we doing?
Jesus said, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Do you believe this?
Peace to you,
Keith Mitchell